
Architecture analysis techniques and related tools allow an IT architect to evaluate a design relative to alternatives, describe the structure and state of a design, and analyze the design’s dynamic behavior in response to external events. They can then test a design as an artifact for completeness, correctness, efficiency, and a number of other criteria.

Highest priority techniques such as selected ATAM techniques, failure analysis, optimization, prototyping, simulation, scaled modeling, and various forms of walk-throughs and design reviews can be used to perform analysis and testing.


  • Has participated in design analysis
  • Has identified and mitigated poor design early
  • Validates architecture that solves the intended business problem
Element Description
Pattern Analysis The ability to discover and quantify patterns in the design, validate the adequate application of the pattern and analyze the probable outcomes of using (or not using) the pattern.
Identification and Remediation of Poor Design Analysis techniques and related tools that allow an architect to evaluate and qualify design choices relative to alternatives.
Validation of Design Elements The process of checking that a solution meets stated requirements and specifications and that the design elements fulfill the intended purpose.


Design Analysis and Testing

Iasa Certification Level Learning Objective
CITA- Foundation
  • What are some common industry-accepted analysis tools?
  • In what stage(s) in the SDLC should you perform the assessment?
  • What is the difference between Proof of concept, prototype and pilot?
  • What are architecturally significant design decisions that might require additional analysis?
CITA – Associate
  • What are the typical phases in architecture analysis process?
  • Compare and contrast two evaluation methods of your choice (SAAM, ATAM, ARID, ALMA, SBAR, PBA…)
  • After identifying wrong design choices, how can you mitigate that risk?
  • How do you perform design analysis and validation on highly agile project?
CITA – Specialist
  • What was the chosen assessment method you used to assess the entire system design?
  • How did you budget for design analysis and how did you explain/defend it in front of the sponsor?
CITA – Professional
  • What new patterns did you discover and document through design analysis?
  • What were the triggers that motivated you to perform design validation



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