By Scott Andersen
I got a great email this week about ethics. The question was about a dilemma I hadn’t gotten to as of yet but still valid and very much an ethical concept to consider.
Dilemma 5
You are working on a company project for a financial reporting system. Your boss’s boss comes into the room and asks you to come to his office. When you get there he asks you to close the door and asks how you are doing. You respond I am well. He then proceeds to ask you to create a two-step report process for the eventual financial reporting system. So that the report can be edited before it is released to the federal government.
You ask of course, is this formatting you are trying to change?
The boss looks at you and says no.
What do you do?
I have to say that one threw me for a loop. I actually called the person that sent me the email as much to find out was this real. It was one of those there is no way anybody would really do that. Sadly it was real. The architect in question lost his/her job because they refused to make that change.
From that I have to say I came up with a question that builds on Dilemma 3 and 4 and now 5. How far do your ethics go? Are you willing to lose your job to do what you consider to be the right thing? How far does the right thing go? That was when I started thinking about the extenuating circumstances that might change your willingness to lose a job.

  • I have children
  • I have a wife and children
  • I have a wife
  • I have ill parents
  • I have an ill family member

All of those push the ethical dilemma further to the right. Can you do the right thing if it impacts the people you love?
It is a tough question…

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